Plugin Submission Form ====================== This plugin submission form will serve as both a request to have your plugin added to the `Rxn Rover Plugin Catalog GitHub Repository `_ and as the catalog entry for your plugin. The recommended plugin submission form is available to download in the link below. Alternatively, the verbatim text is also available below to copy/paste into your submission form file. Please use the following format when naming the form file for Reactor Components, using ``snake_case``:: ___.rst chromtech_nextgen_pump_isu.rst # For example omega_platinum_series_isu.rst # For example When naming analyzers and optimizers, the naming is a bit more freeform, but try to use a similar style as above, using ``snake_case``:: sqsnobfit_remote_optimizer_isu.rst # For example mock_lc_parser_isu.rst # For example .. note:: When naming the file, replace the parts in angled brackets ``<>`` and be sure to use ``snake_case`` by connecting words with an underscore ``_`` instead of spaces. When you are ready to submit your plugin, continue to the :doc:`submit_a_plugin` page. :download:`Example Submission Form <./submission_form.rst>` .. literalinclude:: submission_form.rst