Submit a Plugin


This page assumes that you have already read and completed the tasks in Getting Started and Plugin Submission Form, and have a completed plugin and submission form.

To submit a plugin, you must request that it be added to the plugin catalog. This request is made through a “Pull Request” submitted to the Rxn Rover Plugin Catalog GitHub Repository.

Making a Submission

The basic steps to submit a plugin to the catalog are as follows:

  1. Create the plugin and complete the submission form as mentioned above.

  2. Fork the Rxn Rover Plugin Catalog GitHub Repository.

  3. Clone your fork of the plugin catalog to your local computer.

  4. Add your submission form to <catalog_location>/source/third_party/<type>/, where <catalog_location> is the top-level directory of your forked plugin catalog and <type> is the directory corresponding to the functionality of your plugin.

  5. Link your submission form to the catalog by adding it to the <catalog_location>/source/third_party/<type>/index.rst file in the chosen directory.

    For example:

    Analyzer Plugins
    This is an example ``index.rst`` file. Your submission for will be added
    to the ``toctree`` below.
    .. toctree::
       :maxdepth: 1
       :caption: Infrared Spectroscopy
  6. Add and Commit your submission form and changes to index.rst. Example commands performing these actions follow:

    # From the top-level directory
    cd ./source/third_party/analyzers
    git add ./example_plugin.rst ./index.rst
    git commit -m "Added submission form for Example Plugin"
  7. Push the committed changes to your forked GitHub repository.

  8. Submit a pull request to the official plugin catalog from your fork. Once submitted, your pull request will be reviewed by someone on the team. At this stage, you may receive feedback or suggested changes before the pull request is accepted.

  9. Once the pull request is accepted, your plugin will appear in the plugin catalog!